A puppet for the puppet...but who's pulling the strings?
As if we didn't know. This news tidbit from Reuters speaks for itself, but let's make a game of it. I'll post a few excerpts about our new Energy Secretary, Sam..whathisname and you see if you can find the puppet master. Ready, kiddies? Here we go....
" "We'll pursue more energy close to home in our own country
and in our own hemisphere so that we're less dependent on
energy from unstable parts of the world," Bush said in a brief
appearance to announce the nomination.
The new energy secretary will have to deal with high oil and
natural gas prices and help the Bush administration win
congressional approval to allow oil drilling in the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge. Moderate Republicans and
Democrats in the U.S. Senate oppose the drilling plan.
Energy industry lobbyists and analysts expressed surprise
at the choice of (Sam) Bodman.
"Sam who? I've never heard of this guy," said one energy
industry lobbyist, who added Bodman was virtually
unknown to Washington energy policy insiders.
Although Bodman lacks much energy experience, it is
widely believed among Washington energy experts that
Vice President Dick Cheney directs major oil and gas
policy issues. The White House has denied such
Bodman was recommended for the energy job by a
former boss -- outgoing Commerce Secretary Don Evans,
a Texas oilman and one of Bush's closest friends. That
"speaks volumes about Mr. Bodman's qualifications,"
Republican Sen. Pete Domenici said. "
Can you spot the puppet master? Hint: It's not the President
I think it's unnerving when energy lobbyists and Republican senators are scratching their heads at our administration. I mean, they work for these guys!!
" "We'll pursue more energy close to home in our own country
and in our own hemisphere so that we're less dependent on
energy from unstable parts of the world," Bush said in a brief
appearance to announce the nomination.
The new energy secretary will have to deal with high oil and
natural gas prices and help the Bush administration win
congressional approval to allow oil drilling in the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge. Moderate Republicans and
Democrats in the U.S. Senate oppose the drilling plan.
Energy industry lobbyists and analysts expressed surprise
at the choice of (Sam) Bodman.
"Sam who? I've never heard of this guy," said one energy
industry lobbyist, who added Bodman was virtually
unknown to Washington energy policy insiders.
Although Bodman lacks much energy experience, it is
widely believed among Washington energy experts that
Vice President Dick Cheney directs major oil and gas
policy issues. The White House has denied such
Bodman was recommended for the energy job by a
former boss -- outgoing Commerce Secretary Don Evans,
a Texas oilman and one of Bush's closest friends. That
"speaks volumes about Mr. Bodman's qualifications,"
Republican Sen. Pete Domenici said. "
Can you spot the puppet master? Hint: It's not the President
I think it's unnerving when energy lobbyists and Republican senators are scratching their heads at our administration. I mean, they work for these guys!!
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