Hail Cthulhu!!

Just returned from the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland. We interviewed noted horror author Ramsey Campbell, theologian / horror writer Robert Price, and festival founder Andrew Migliore.
Andrew has been increasingly helpful in supporting the documentary. He arranged the interviews for this weekend. At the fest, we (Bill & myself) met plenty or artists (Lee Moyer, artist of the poster above), filmmakers (Mariano Baino, DARK WATERS), and the legion of Lovecraft fans who all voiced their support & interest in a Lovecraft doc.
All in all, it was quite a productive weekend. Thanks to Andrew, Bill, Forrest (our cameraman) and, above all, Ramsey and Rob.
For those interested, check out the links for each of these people.
Ramsey Campbell
Robert Price
Andrew Migliore / Lurker Films
Lee Moyer
Mariano Baino
I'm going to bed now with the comforting notion that Bush is keeping us safe from an insurgency of hatred he created while allowing North Korea to test their first nuclear weapon.
Yeah, I feel about as safe as if the Old Ones had returned to feast on our souls.
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