The Mouse In My House
Our first meeting was hardly dignified. While working on my computer, I caught a small speck of brown movement out the corner of my eye. The last thing I expected to see was a mouse.
I did what most well adjusted men do in the face of something small and unexpected. I screamed (a nice high pitched one, too). That was my undignified moment. For his part, the mouse did a mid air 180 and scurried back to his home in the wall. I've since determined that he lives somewhere in the defunct heating ducts of my apartment.
There's been a lot of construction in the neighborhood recently and, no doubt, the mouse was summarily evicted. This makes him a homeless mouse (not counting the fact that he is now squatting at my place).

People's first instinct is to kill the bugger. But you didn't see how cute (and scared) he was. Yes, it's a rodent and is probably gnawing its way through many cardboard boxes of collectibles, but he hasn't shown me any harm. If I can just earn his trust, maybe I can lure him into one of those Have-A- Heart traps. So far, we're making progress.
The first stage of our detente was for me to leave little pieces of cheese out by his front door (the aforementioned heater). I was pleased to see that, upon my arrival home, the mouse ate every bit of dairy. He even left the paper towel I placed the cheese on intact. No droppings. No shedding. What a courteous house guest he's turning out to be.
Keep checking in for updates.
I did what most well adjusted men do in the face of something small and unexpected. I screamed (a nice high pitched one, too). That was my undignified moment. For his part, the mouse did a mid air 180 and scurried back to his home in the wall. I've since determined that he lives somewhere in the defunct heating ducts of my apartment.
There's been a lot of construction in the neighborhood recently and, no doubt, the mouse was summarily evicted. This makes him a homeless mouse (not counting the fact that he is now squatting at my place).

People's first instinct is to kill the bugger. But you didn't see how cute (and scared) he was. Yes, it's a rodent and is probably gnawing its way through many cardboard boxes of collectibles, but he hasn't shown me any harm. If I can just earn his trust, maybe I can lure him into one of those Have-A- Heart traps. So far, we're making progress.
The first stage of our detente was for me to leave little pieces of cheese out by his front door (the aforementioned heater). I was pleased to see that, upon my arrival home, the mouse ate every bit of dairy. He even left the paper towel I placed the cheese on intact. No droppings. No shedding. What a courteous house guest he's turning out to be.
Keep checking in for updates.
We love Finnegan! He's adorable! He's the ultimate 'guest who came to dinner'!
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