Tuesday, March 28, 2006


As some of you may know, the first two MASTERS OF HORROR DVDs came out today. I produced a featurette for each disc titled WORKING WITH A MASTER and, according to the reviews, people like them very much. Each WWM covers what it was like to work with the specific Master of Horror throughout his career. These first DVDs focus on John Carpenter ("Halloween") and Stuart Gordon ("Re-Animator").

Buy One! Buy Many! Tell your friends!!

Also look for a coming interview with me about the making of these featurettes (a "Making Of" the "Making Of", if you will) coming to the Horror Channel's site soon. Many thanks to Johnny Butane for his interest -- and for being a devout Stuart Gordon fan.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Everybody Must Get STONED (or maybe not)

Here's a review of the new rock bio pic STONED. Do any of you rock fans know who Brian Jones was? If not, you should consider checking this film out. If you do know who he was, well... the film is an okay glimpse back. Either way, the review can be found HERE.

How's that for an endorsement?

Sunday, March 19, 2006

And The Reviews Are In!

Here are a few more glowing reviews for the first two MASTERS OF HORROR discs. My WORKING WITH A MASTER featurettes seem to be a favorite. Check out some reviews from Horror Channel and others below.

Stuart Gordon - Horror Channel review

John Carpenter - Horror Channel review

DVD Times review

John Carpenter - DVD Review review

Thursday, March 02, 2006

That's "Merry Christmas" to the rest of you

JOYEUX NOEL is another of the Oscar nominated foreign films this year. While it may not shine as much as TSOTSI (see previous post), it is an uplifting film about humanity in the face of war. Back in World War I, troops called their own cease fire on Christmas Eve and came into the middle of the battlefield to share in the holiday. Imagine if troops did this of their own volition today...

Anyway, my review of the moving (yet flawed) JOYEUX NOEL can be read HERE.