IT Happens

Sometimes a DVD producer gets no respect. It's hard enough to get credit. Many studios, like Disney, want consumers to think DVD extras spring out of from some anonymous conglom, as if the company has no individual minds at all. I guess that's just how corporations were raised. Or it could just be credit hogs in power suits.
Other times our work goes unnoticed or gets mentioned in a cast off kind of manner. Take Movie Poopshoot's summation of my featurette, BLOOD ON THE PINES, found on the lamentable IT WAITS DVD (due out May 23): "There's an enjoyable commentary track by director Munroe and star Vincent, an informative "Making Of" documentary, and the theatrical trailer."
That's it. Not even a comment about whether the thing is any good. Maybe I'm getting spoiled by all the attention MASTERS OF HORROR has been getting. Either way, here are two more reviews of IT WAITS. They're not that much more verbose, but they at least have an opinion.
My friends over at HORROR CHANNEL
Some site called COLLIDER
Now, I am in no way recommending IT WAITS to you horror fans out there. Don't let the name Stephen J. Cannell fool you. This is a turkey of the 10lb Butterball variety. The kind of film where a demon centuries old wakes up after a small eternity and somehow acquires the trap setting skills of MacGyver. Director Stephen Monroe did his best and it's for his intrepid spirit in the face of utter nonsense that I tried to make a serious "making of" piece.
That piece, by the way... fantastic!
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