First Habeas Corpus, Next Freedom Of Information

As many of you know, yesterday started the new order of America. With Bush signing his terrorism bill, anyone designated as an "enemy combatant" (presumably by a representative of the new fascist regime), can be held without habeas corpus or even knowledge of what they are being tried for. As pointed out by Edward Gomez at
"Now, technically, as in Stalin's Soviet Union, Hitler's Germany, Mao's China or Pol Pot's Cambodia, anyone labeled an "enemy combatant" - again, by whom; by Bush? - can be whisked away and never heard from again. That kind of authority, in the hands of corrupt or untruthful politicians, may or may not be an effective tool in some kind of "war on terror," but it certainly can be a useful tool when it comes to silencing their opponents."
Now our department of Homeland Security is targeting the internet's free exchange of information.
It's no big secret that the government has been trying to get their mitts on the web. So far, corporations have been monopolizing things for them. But this current climate of fear could lead Chertoff to police our emails and blogs.
"That'll never happen in America", you say? I point out yesterday's travesty as evidence that it can and is happening.
See how Chertoff is trying to scare us into thinking the internet is a breeding ground for terrorism HERE.
Now for some of my favorite points of Bush's War of Fear signing yesterday (from Reuters):
"With the bill I'm about to sign, the men our intelligence officials believe orchestrated the murder of nearly 3,000 innocent people will face justice," Bush said.
Still playing the 9/11 card, he is. Well, it is an election year.
"It is a rare occasion when a president can sign a bill that he knows will save American lives," Bush said. "I have that privilege this morning."
Yet, Bush has cost more human lives than the events of 9/11. True, a good deal of those are Iraqi lives, so I guess he still gets to go to Heaven.
Bush signed the bill in the White House East Room, at a table with a sign positioned on the front that said "Protecting America."
Didn't Carl Rove and his goons learn from the "Mission Accomplished" screw up? You know when Bush flew on to the aircraft carrier declaring the war in Iraq had been won?
Guess what. We're still at war and the target of such hatred in the world, "Protecting America" can only be some kind of sick, ironic joke.
For the full story of how Bush has yet again stripped us of our rights as Americans, click HERE
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