Maybe Bush Really Is That Stupid

My mother was the first to tell me there was stupidity in the air. "Bush plans to increase troops in Iraq", she all but moaned.
When I got home, I checked out the news wires. Sure enough, this Christmas present from our Commander In Chief was waiting:
Bush plans to increase size of military
You can read the article yourself either here or at some other shocked & awed news site. Allow me to point out a few salient points, however:
Top generals have expressed concern that even temporarily shipping thousands of more troops would be largely ineffective in the absence of bold new political and economic steps, and that it would leave the already stretched Army and Marines Corps even thinner once the surge ended.
They also worry that it feeds a perception that the strife and chaos in Iraq is mainly a military problem; in their view it is largely political, fed by economic distress.
Maybe "stupid" is the wrong word. "Foolish" is more like it. And "stubborn". This Administration is so hellbent on turning the failure of Iraq into a victory, just to prove their point, they are now going to add fuel to the fire... the same fuel Iraq could and should be selling to get back on its feet after we messed up the place.
Terrorists are not one dimensional men in black hats twirling their moustaches. Yes, they do evil things, but they aren't spawned without motive. Terrorism is born out of ideology. That means this is a war of ideology. Big surprise!
Any layman who reads a newspaper could see that America's going into Iraq would spawn more terrorism, a civil war and world wide hatred of American policy. But those lay people who spoke out at the time were shouted down as being "unpatriotic". Now each of these forecasts have come true... and still Bush won't listen to reason. He must think America is a baseball team he can run into the ground again.
Dare I say, try some diplomacy for once. Suck it up. Admit you were abysmally wrong and seek help from the rest of the world like we should have in the beginning... if they'll even take our calls at this point.
Oh, and on a side note... don't you moderates be fooled by John "Surge" McCain's support of this plan. Any man who sides with the neo-cons who so ravaged his reputation during the 2000 election is not to be respected.
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