Saddam Is Dead (and other things to make 2007 wince)
NOTE: This blog entry is a tad... well, pessimistic. Rest assured, I am quite OPTIMISTIC about 2007 so far. Lots of projects to accomplish. Many fine resolutions to observe. There's also Spider Man 3 and the new Harry Potter film. That said, there are still a few dunderheads out there that I want to point at with fond derision. Enjoy!
Saddam Hussein has been executed. Do you feel safer now? I believe we were promised the world would be safer when everyone's favorite dictator met the long drop with the short stop.
Do you feel safe?
I guess I'd feel a whole lot safer if certain news items weren't rushed into ether-print just as the year was new.
Consider the debate over whether to broadcast Saddam's death or not to broadcast. Doesn't matter now. Someone posted it on the internet. We've gone from Britney's "vagflash" (their words, not mine) to Evil Doer snuff films. How I long for the halcyon days of Lonely Girl!
There's also a bit over at everyone's favorite whistle blower Boing Boing that makes my Zealot Senses tingle.
There's a book for sale at the Grand Canyon National Park claiming that the canyon was a result of Noah's Flood.
Click here if you want to smash your head into your laptop.
I feel artist Kate Kretz has tapped into these early January days with her oil painting entitled Blessed Art Thou.

2007 is 2 days old and I feel blessed.
Do you feel blessed?
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