Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Enjoy A Free Internet Before It's Gone In 2018?

As many of you have suspected, the government is actively seeking ways to turn back time and get control over the internet. They say it's for security and, while that is a part of it, their motives are spurred more by the need to control the free exchange of ideas.

At Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech Conference, Lawrence Lessig, respected Law Professor from Stanford University and champion of an open internet, told the audience that “There’s going to be an i-9/11 event” which will bring about a Internet Patriot Act that would change the web as we know it. According to Lessig:
"I had dinner once with Richard Clark at the table and I said 'is there an equivalent to the Patriot Act -- an iPatriot Act -- just sitting waiting for some substantial event just waiting for them to come have the excuse for radically changing the way the Internet works?' And he said, 'Of course there is'. "
Lessig, along with Quincy Smith, CEO of CBS Interactive, Joichi Ito, CEO of Creative Commons, and Philip Rosedale, founder and chairman of Linden Lab, (Second Life), discuss how the internet may change (not necessarily for the better) in this video.


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