And Now For Someone Inspiring... Claudia Castillo
As a counterpoint to my previous posts of ranting, I want to write briefly of a most inspiring woman I met over the holidays.
Her name is Claudia Castillo. She was one of Colombia's top gymnasts. Was on her way to the Olympics. During practice, Claudia suffered an accident that broke her neck and left her a quadriplegic. She was 13 at the time.

Despite what must have been a team of medical naysayers, Claudia and her mother Gloria refused to accept the situation. She pressed on. After 11 intense and invasive surgeries (courtesy of The Shriners Of Philadelphia no less), Claudia has regained use of her upper shoulders and arms.
Now 29 years old, Claudia is in the first of five years required to attain her Doctorate in Psychology. With Gloria and their poodle Lily by her side (trained by Gloria to fetch anything Claudia may need including medical supplies), Claudia is a perfect example of the human spirit that sometimes gets lost in today's helter skelter.
She is a miraculous person and I wanted to mention her name to all of you.
Her name is Claudia Castillo. She was one of Colombia's top gymnasts. Was on her way to the Olympics. During practice, Claudia suffered an accident that broke her neck and left her a quadriplegic. She was 13 at the time.

Despite what must have been a team of medical naysayers, Claudia and her mother Gloria refused to accept the situation. She pressed on. After 11 intense and invasive surgeries (courtesy of The Shriners Of Philadelphia no less), Claudia has regained use of her upper shoulders and arms.
Now 29 years old, Claudia is in the first of five years required to attain her Doctorate in Psychology. With Gloria and their poodle Lily by her side (trained by Gloria to fetch anything Claudia may need including medical supplies), Claudia is a perfect example of the human spirit that sometimes gets lost in today's helter skelter.
She is a miraculous person and I wanted to mention her name to all of you.
hi. my name is clara I,m from bogota, colombia. Iused to be a fan of Claudia when she was a deportist, I¨m very happy to know that right know she's doing well. Here in Colombia are many peole that never forgive her, Iwould like to write her personnally
Hi Clara,
I hope you get this response. I will ask Claudia where you can write her. She's moved since last I saw her and this may take a while, but I will get a reply from her to you.
Amazing! I was in the bed across from Claudia in Shriner's Hospital!! I was 13 as well and came in shortly after Claudia arrived. So happy to see she is well! Would love to find a way to connect with her!
Thank you everyone!!!!!
You can reach me at
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